Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Fusarium treatment

The following procedure was followed today to treat the Fusarium patch  (Microdochium nivale) that has appeared on the greens

1. Brush the turf in order to remove the dew and excess water from the lamina, and also to get the turf standing upright

2. Verti-cut  - to thin out the turf so that the fungicide has more chance of reaching the crown of the turf plant and also to remove any excess thatch
3. Blow clean - although the boxes were fitted to the machine we used to verti-cut, there is usually debris remaining once verti-cutting is complete. An easy way to remove the debris is to use a back-pack blower.

4. Cut - it is summer here and the grass is growing fairly rapidly and we will also most likely not cut the greens tomorrow in order to give the fingicide a chance to settle into the turf plant. Cutting also assists in maintaining the speed of the greens

5. Spray - The fungicide called Instrata®  was applied to all greens using a boom-sprayer . This fungicide contains three active ingredients namely: chlorothalonil, propiconazole and fludioxonil.

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