Today we sprayed Relay Turf (Dicamba, MCPA, mecoprop-p) to control the broad-leaf weeds within the turf playing areas.
A record of various activities carried out by myself and other green keepers on our golf course throughout the year
Today we sprayed Relay Turf (Dicamba, MCPA, mecoprop-p) to control the broad-leaf weeds within the turf playing areas.
Yesterday we carried out some work on the greens and aprons. This included the following:
- brush turf
- bi-directional verti - cutting
- blow debris away
- top dressing (greens only)
Last week Thursday we fertilised the greens with some amino acids. In the beginning of the week there were slight signs of Anthracnose and Fusarium but nothing too serious but by Thursday the conditions had worsened.
On Friday we then applied some Instrata fungicide as the head greenkeeper didn't want to risk it flaring up more over the weekend.